
Showing posts from April, 2020

Garden Bird Photography

Garden Bird Photography How to Photograph the Birds  in your Garden Mick White LBAPA, LRPS Spring 2020 Introduction   I am writing this at an anxious time for everyone in our society who enjoys wildlife and nature. With coronavirus surging around the world and a lot of people having to self Isolate, it can have a serious effect on our mental wellbeing   especially for those that enjoy going out into the countryside to see wildlife and to photograph our natural world.   But self isolation doesn’t have to mean that the enjoyment that is gained from your trips has to be completely lost, if you have a garden or not I aim here to show you that by taking a few simple steps that the enjoyment can still continue from the comfort of your own home.   If you enjoy photography then your garden can provide you with plenty of opportunity to continue photographing your local wildlife by taking a few simple steps. If you are not lucky enough to have a garden then all is not lost